Monday, January 29, 2007


I really don't like my advanced C# programming class... I've been reading the text for several hours now and it's all running together. So, I think I'll go stitch. It's already 11 pm, but I'm not going to get much more out of this book tonight. There's only so much I can cram into my brain at once. I did get a lot accomplished at work today, but my day tomorrow is filled with meetings, so it will be like taking a giant step backwards in the way of tasks being crossed off my list. Good thing I have a laptop with wireless, and I can work while I'm pretending to listen in those meetings that aren't as critical as what I actually have to get done!

And, I haven't stitched much in the past week. I watched the second half of Jane Eyre on Masterpiece Theatre (PBS) last night. This was a really good adaptation. I love Jane Eyre, and I knew I wouldn't even be able to concentrate on stitching, so I didn't even pick it up. That's amazing really. I did get some more homework done on the weekend too, but have a lot to do yet to be totally caught up. And it's only the beginning of the semester.

1 comment:

Danielle said...

I really enjoyed Jane Eyre, too! I pulled out my stitching, but that was as far as I got. I have also pulled out the book for a reread, and it is just as good the second time around!--Danielle (The Peacock's Feather)